Wine of Faubourg des Saveurs, in Seurre (21)


At Faubourg des Saveurs, in Seurre (21 - Côte d'Or) you can find Burgundy wines for sale. Are you planning a special event? Birthday, wedding, family meal, professional seminar, etc. Place an order with Faubourg des Saveurs! We will be happy to offer you one or more wines suitable for the occasion, especially if you want to pair them with a particular dish.

Small overview of the wines offered by the Faubourg des Saveurs

Vins petillants de Saône et Loire

Vins petillants de Saône et Loire
Irréel Chardonnay

Vins du Jura

Vins du Jura

Vins des Cotes Chalonnaises

Bailly Lapierre


Bailly Lapierre réserve brut

Vins des Côtes Chalonnaises

Vins des Côtes Chalonnaises

Sauvignon blanc

Saint Bris
Bailly Lapierre

And many more to discover in store..

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health. To consume with moderation.

If you need to know more about Faubourg des Saveurs:

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Or come to the store.

Our contact details

57 rue de la République, 21250 SEURRE